Recent News
April 2020 Some group members re-enter the CIB to continue COVID 19- based peptide research
Previous News
Dec 2018 Congratulations to "Rising Star" and former group member Silvia Marchesan for being included in the Nature Index 2018
Dec 2018 Congratulations to Professor Frances H. Arnold on award of the Nobel Prize in Chemisty 2018!
February 2016: Dr Derek Macmillan gives an invited seminar in the Department of Chemistry at Strathclyde University.
October 2015: Dr Derek Macmillan gives an invited talk at the Australian peptide symposium, Queensland, Australia
December 2013: Dr Derek Macmillan gives an invited seminar at the Department of Chemistry in York.
July 2013: Dr Derek Macmillan gives a keynote lecture at the meeting of the DFG Priority Program “Chemoselective Reactions for the Synthesis and Application of Functional Proteins” (SPP 1623) at the Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology in Dortmund, Germany.
July 2013: Leila presents her recent research at the ISMB retreat in Cambridge.
June 2013: Anna, Ben, and Bhavesh present their research at the 23rd American Peptide Symposium meeting on The Big Island, Hawaii.
February 2013: Anna is a runner-up in the UCL postgraduate school poster competition- Well done Anna!
November 2012: Dr Derek Macmillan gives a talk at the 2nd Austrian Peptide Society meeting in Vienna.
October 2011: Our lab is featured in the Bachem PEPTalk Newsletter
June 2011: Anna presents her work at the APS meeting in San Diego
June 2011: Anna wins the prize for the best poster at the ISMB retreat in Cambridge. Well done Anna!
April 2011: Dr Derek Macmillan gives a talk at the joint meeting of the RSC Bioorganic/Carbohydrate Chemistry Groups.
December 2010: Dr Derek Macmillan gives a talk at Department of Chemistry, University of Osaka, Japan.
December 2010: Dr Derek Macmillan gives a talk at the 5th International Peptide symposium in Kyoto, Japan.
November 2010 : Jin and Kiran pass their PhD vivas and go on to research positions elsewhere, Good Luck!
October 2010: Anna Heddell and Bhavesh Premdjee join the group as PhD students.
October 2010: Derek gives an invited seminar at the Department of Chemistry in Leeds.